Renewal of Registration for the Academic Year 2024

Renewal of Registration for the Academic Year 2024

by Assistant Registrar External Degrees Centre -
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Please refer to the following instructions to renew your registrations for the academic year 2024. You are requested to renew your registrations according to the conditions mentioned below. 

The deadline for registration renewals will be 26th of October 2024

·       Students who fail to renew their registration on or before the given deadline will not be allowed to apply for the semester examinations or project examinations in 2024 and be denied VLE access.

·        Your eligibility for the respective level will be selected automatically and the payments will be added relevant to the current academic year.

·        Students of the intakes 2021, 2020 and 2019 who have applied for the grace chance to complete the Level I/II and III should also renew their registration to be eligible for the continuation of the degree programme.

·        After the deadline, a surcharge fee will be added for a period of two weeks.  Please note that the surcharge fee is double the relevant fee.

·        If you have been registered as a local student and now transferring to foreign category, the payments will be indicated in USDs and a fee of 50USD will be added (one time) as the switching fee.

·        For foreign payments, online payments using Credit or Debit cards will be activated soon before the deadline. Until then please refer to the instructions given in the relevant login page. Please note that the bank charges must be borne by the student himself and always select the option “OUR” when you are initiating the transaction to avoid transferring partial payments to the UCSC account.

NB – definition for the option

" OUR - The transfer fees are expected to be paid by the applicant/student, before you initiate the transfer. This means the transfer amount is expected to be delivered in full to the beneficiary. Selecting this option safeguards you against short payments made to your institution."

Please note if the UCSC account does not get credited with the full amount of the fee, you will not be abale to activate the VLE or any other facility until the balance is settled.

·        If you have skipped the registration renewal in the previous years, an arrears fee will be applied where necessary.

·        For the local students, payments can be done only via online payment system.

·        Please note that all payments are non-refundable and non-transferable.  

Click here for the application for registration renewal